Motown Sept 13 1969 "I Was Made to Love Her" by Stevie Wonder 2x - American Bandstand

Fun clip — Sept 13 1969.  Driving persistent rhythm, 1967 classic, "I Was Made To Love Her" by Stevie Wonder on AB summer of '69 Stevie Wonder special episode.  Cool hairstyles. Special 2x mix.

Closes with super funky. Motown track "The Nitty Gritty" (Single Version) by Gladys Knight & The Pips.  

"I Was Made to Love Her" by Stevie Wonder 2x - American Bandstand Sept 13 1969

"I Was Made to Love Her" by Stevie Wonder 2x - American Bandstand Sept 13 1969

"I Was Made to Love Her" by Stevie Wonder 2x - American Bandstand Sept 13 1969

"I Was Made to Love Her" by Stevie Wonder 2x - American Bandstand Sept 13 1969

From Songfacts: "This tune was written by Wonder, who was 16 at the time, together with his mother Lula Mae Hardaway, Motown songwriter Sylvia Moy, and the song's producer Henry Cosby.

"The stunning vocal on this song took some work.  Henry Cosby coaxed it out of Wonder by taking him to a Baptist church in Detroit and having Stevie imitate the preacher. The next step was finding Wonder his congregation. "Stevie wanted people in the studio. He had to feel the presence of people," said Cosby. "If there were none around, his vocal was just dead. I had to go outside and just stop people who were passing to bring them in, so Stevie could feel their presence. Once we got that, he could fire into that feeling."

Special audio & picture.

Bitchute - original version

"I Was Made to Love Her" by Stevie Wonder 2x - American Bandstand Sept 13 1969

"I Was Made to Love Her" by Stevie Wonder 2x - American Bandstand Sept 13 1969

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"I Was Made to Love Her" by Stevie Wonder 2x - American Bandstand Sept 13 1969

"I Was Made to Love Her" by Stevie Wonder 2x - American Bandstand Sept 13 1969

"I Was Made to Love Her" by Stevie Wonder 2x - American Bandstand Sept 13 1969

"I Was Made to Love Her" by Stevie Wonder 2x - American Bandstand Sept 13 1969"I Was Made to Love Her" by Stevie Wonder 2x - American Bandstand Sept 13 1969

"I Was Made to Love Her" by Stevie Wonder 2x - American Bandstand Sept 13 1969

AB Classic Songs - American Bandstand clips — full PLAYLIST of enhanced music videos!

"I Was Made to Love Her" by Stevie Wonder 2x - American Bandstand Sept 13 1969

Motown "I Was Made to Love Her" by Stevie Wonder 2x - American Bandstand Sept 13 1969

For 40 or 50 more American Bandstand blog clips with special audio and video, see

"I Was Made to Love Her" by Stevie Wonder album

"I Was Made to Love Her" by Stevie Wonder album


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