Rick James "MARY JANE" 🔥 1979 New Year's Rockin' Eve + Commercials

Rare clip (NEW) — Rick James performs classic, funky "Mary Jane" Live on the 1979 New Year's Rockin Eve, ABC TV USA, Dec 31, 1978 - January 1, 1979, Los Angeles location. This is a really special live version of the song with a locked-in beat and mix.

PLUS full vintage commercial break! And 2nd "bonus" commercial break from a segment we skipped. Songfacts confirms, "Rick James' song 'Mary Jane' is not an ode to a sexy woman, but rather a love song to marijuana." See channel or blog for more clips. Extra work on getting the picture good enough to match the music and special audio mix. Footage from VHS Archive at https://archive.org

Info lyrics discography and more videos -
https://www.discogs.com/master/85806-Rick-James-Come-Get-It full album
https://www.discogs.com/master/249371-Rick-James-Mary-Jane - 45 single


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